π Theme
NCSS.3. People, Places, and Environments
π Definition
Social studies programs should include experiances that provide for the study of people, place and environments.
π Category
3.1. Knowledge
π Learning Expectation
3.1.5. Physical changes in community, state, and region, such as seasons, climate, and weather, and their effects on plants and animals.
π Essential Element
NGS.PR. - Places and Regions
π Standard
PR.4.The physical and human characteristics of places
π Strand
PR.4.2. The Characteristics of Places: Places have physical and human characteristics
π€ Benchmark
PR.4.2.A. Describe and compare the physical characteristics of places at a variety of scales, local to global, as exemplified by being able to
π Expectation
PR.4.2.A.2. Describe and compare the vegetation in different places in the world (e.g., deserts, mountains, rain forests, plains).
π Expectation
PR.4.2.A.3. Describe and compare the physical environments and landforms of different places in the world (e.g., mountains, islands, valleys or canyons, mesas).
π Essential Element
NGS.PS. - Physical Systems
π Standard
PR.7. The physical processes that shape the patterns of Earth's surface
π Strand
PR.7.1. Components of Earthβs Physical Systems: There are four components of Earth's physical systems (the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere)
π€ Benchmark
PR.7.1.A. Identify attributes of Earth's different physical systems, as exemplified by being able to
π Expectation
PS.7.1.A.3. Identify examples of landforms on Earth's surface (e.g., mountains, volcanoes, valleys, plains).
π Essential Element
NGS.PS. - Physical Systems
π Standard
PR.7. The physical processes that shape the patterns of Earth's surface
π Strand
PR.7.3. Physical Processes: Physical processes shape features on Earthβs surface
π€ Benchmark
PR.7.3.B. Describe how physical processes shape features on Earthβs surface, as exemplified by being able to.
π Expectation
PS.7.3.B.2. Describe the physical processes that shaped particular landform features using pictures of landforms such as canyons, mesas, and deltas.
π Essential Element
NGS.PS. - Physical Systems
π Standard
PS.8. The characteristics and spatial distribution of ecosystems and biomes on Earth's surface
π Strand
PR.8.1. Components of Ecosystems: The components of ecosystems
π€ Benchmark
PS.8.1.A. Identify the components of different ecosystems, as exemplified by being able to
π Expectation
PS.8.1.A.2. Identify examples of each ecosystem component (e.g., pine trees versus grasslands, low versus high rainfall, clay versus sandy soils).
π Expectation
PS.8.1.A.3. Describe local ecosystems by surveying and recording the properties of their components.
π Essential Element
NGS.PS. - Physical Systems
π Standard
PS.8. The characteristics and spatial distribution of ecosystems and biomes on Earth's surface
π Strand
PR.8.2. Characteristics and Geographic Distribution of Ecosystems: The characteristics of ecosystems
π€ Benchmark
PS.8.2.A. Identify and describe the characteristics of ecosystems
π Expectation
PS.8.2.A.1. Identify and describe the characteristics of an ecosystem (specific types of plants, climate, and soil) in which a favorite or interesting creature lives.
π Expectation
PS.8.2.A.2. Identify and draw pictures of different plants and animals in various local ecosystems (e.g., a pond, forest, city park).
π Expectation
PS.8.2.A.3. Compare the characteristics of different ecosystems (e.g., pond, deciduous forest, coral reef).
π Essential Element
NGS.PS. - Physical Systems
π Standard
PS.8. The characteristics and spatial distribution of ecosystems and biomes on Earth's surface
π Strand
PR.8.3. Characteristics and Geographic Distribution of Biomes: The characteristics of biomes
π€ Benchmark
PS.8.3.A. Describe the characteristics of biomes, as exemplified by being able to
π Expectation
PS.8.3.A.1. Describe the defining characteristics of a biome as a large region of ecosystems with similar climate and vegetation characteristics.
π Expectation
PS.8.3.A.2. Describe the temperature, precipitation, and vegetation characteristics of various biomes, (e.g., deserts, grasslands, savannahs, temperate forests, tropical forests, arctic tundra).
π Expectation
PS.8.3.A.3. Identify the characteristics in photographs of different types of vegetation and match them to the appropriate sections of a world climate map (e.g. cacti and succulents on a desert climate region, tropical forest trees on a tropical climate region, coral in shallow, tropical marine waters).
π Essential Element
NGS.ES. - Environment and Society
π Standard
ES.14. How human actions modify the physical environment
π Strand
PR.14.3. Consequences for People and Environments: The consequences of human modifications of the physical environment
π€ Benchmark
PS.14.3.A. Identify and describe examples of how human activities impact the physical environment
π Expectation
PS.14.3.A.1. Identify and describe the changes in local habitats that resulted from human activities.
π Essential Element
NGS.UG. - The Uses of Geography
π Standard
UG.18. Using Geography to Interpret the Present and Plan for the Future:
π Strand
UG.18.1. Geographic contexts (the human and physical characteristics of places and environments) are the settings for current events
π€ Benchmark
UG.18.1.A. Analyze geographic contexts in which current events and issues occur, as exemplified by being able to
π Expectation
UG.18.1.A.3. Analyze a current environmental issue in the region (e.g., building or demolishing a dam, building or expansion of freeway system, creation of parks and open spaces, regulatory legislation on industry to prevent further air, water, and land pollution) and describe ways in which people and the environment interact to affect the issue positively and negatively.
π Strand
NGSS.3LS. Life Science
π Title
3-LS2. Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics
π Performance Expectation
3-LS2-1. Students who demonstrate understanding can: Construct an argument that some animals form groups that help members survive.
π Strand
NGSS.3LS. Life Science
π Title
3-LS4. Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics
π Performance Expectation
3-LS4-2. Students who demonstrate understanding can use evidence to construct an explanation for how the variations in characteristics among individuals of the same species may provide advantages in surviving, finding mates, and reproducing.
π Performance Expectation
3-LS4-3. Students who demonstrate understanding can construct an argument with evidence that in a particular habitat some organisms can survive well, some survive less well, and some cannot survive at all.
π Performance Expectation
3-LS4-4. Students who demonstrate understanding can make a claim about the merit of a solution to a problem caused when the environment changes and the types of plants and animals that live there may change.
π Strand
NGSS.3ESS. Earth and Space Science
π Title
3-ESS2. Earthβs Systems
π Performance Expectation
3-ESS2-1. Represent data in tables and graphical displays to describe typical weather conditions expected during a particular season.